Co-founders Chauncy and Kelli Johnson have snowboarded and skied most of their lives. They brought this passion into their marriage and subsequently with their children. On Christmas Eve, 2010 a snowboarder riding at approximately 50 mph collided with Kelli and daughter Elise (5 years old). The collision resulted in the death of Elise and the snowboarder. Kelli sustained life altering injuries including a severe Traumatic Brain Injury and other injuries that she lives with to this day. Chauncy continues to struggle with the aftermath of the events that day. In 2016, he partnered with the National Ski Areas Association to promote ski collision awareness [Collision Safety (]. This partnership resulted in the Ride Another Day safety campaign which the Johnson’s have promoted nationwide. Snow Angel Foundation was formed in 2023 in order to increase safety education and awareness while promoting the benefits of skiing and snowboarding.